I didn't feel like writing about a pressing sports issue from today's headlines, so I figured I'd post about a few random things that I've had an opinion on lately. Here's my outlook on some of the funny, odd, and well...kind of gross nuances of sports today.
Grunting in Tennis...
In recent years, the world has seen a drastic increase in grunting and screaming on the tennis court. On a professional scale, it occurs almost exclusively on the women's side. It seems as if you can't watch a match these days without having to mute the TV due to some Russian girl with a last name ending in "-ova" screaming her brains out everytime she hits the ball. Venus and Serena Williams have been known to do it, Maria Sharapova pleads the fifth (evidence above), and a few up-and-coming players seem to be taking the grunting to a new level. It is unbelievabllllly annoying. It sounds weird to say because not to be overly gross or anything, but normally for guys, the thought of girls screaming or grunting could imply something rather arousing...not in this case. Not even close. I think the people in charge need to take a long, hard look at this phenomenon and possibly do something to curb the madness. It's awful!
The Physical Nature of Soccer...
Okay, for all of you tough guys out there that make a point of insulting soccer every time it's at the forefront of a discussion, just relax. I've heard the argument before, it's not all wrong, but overall soccer IS a very physical sport. Now before I defend it any more, let me concede one thing. Yes, in international and professional soccer, diving, embellishing, faking injuries, and stalling have all unfortunately become common themes. I don't like it and I never will, even if I see the strategic reasoning. It is these types of things that fuel the typical soccer-hater's fire...and it's a shame. Because if you watch the game of soccer intently, you will see a whole lot more physicality than many people give the sport credit for. The shoving, slide-tackling, and head-bashing makes soccer anything but a sport for "wussies." Not only is the average player in better shape than most other athletes, they take a beating on the field. But people don't realize that until they play the sport with some degree of seriousness. I'm not saying it's football or hockey, but it's way more phsyical than it's portrayed in mainstream media and society.
First Base Conversations...
Have you ever watched a baseball game and seen the first baseman chatting with a baserunner from the opposing team? It has always been one of the things that I want to know. Of course, you may have situations where former teammates do some trash-talking. Maybe good friends. I'm sure they just talk about normal stuff. But what about bitter rivals? What if one doesn't speak english very well? They still talk to each other! Does one guy try out his spanglish? Does Albert Pujols tell Derrek Lee that he sucks or does he ask how his wife and kids are doing? Does the first baseman say "nice hit" or does he jokingly tell them to stop getting on base? I don't know....and I guess I never will unless I get close enough to a professional baseball player to ask him. I think it's a funny thing to speculate about, though.
Touchdown Celebrations...
They're not a subtelty anymore in the game of football. In fact, the celebrations in the end zone have practically turned into a contest among players. The prize goes to the guy that comes up with the most inventive dance or nowadays even a short skit! The spike just doesn't cut it anymore. Some of the performances are obviously rehearsed. Pretty soon, NFL teams will begin to hire choreographers. One of the interesting parts about the touchdown celebration craze is the fact that the league has tried to punish players for going overboard, but the players don't really care. We still have receivers and running backs using the football or the pylon as a prop, we have team celebrations, we have players doing their best impressions of the latest popular dances. I really don't have a problem with it. I think it adds to the entertainment of the game and offers a comedic element that many other sports don't exactly possess. There is one thing I have to say to players, though, as they consider excessively celebrating in the end zone: If you score a touchdown at a meaningless juncture in the game or from only a yard or two out, forget the celebration. Big deal...you ran a few yards. Wow...you scored a touchdown with 2 minutes left in the game and your team is down 49-14. Go ahead and celebrate! Do your dance, perform your skit, but pick the right time!
Golf Attire...
For a sport that is played during the warm part of the year in the warmest places in the world, golf has some pretty harsh wardrobe requirements. Under normal conditions, golfers play in the heat of the day under the relentless sun. Yet they aren't allowed to wear attire that helps them stay cool. Pants are a requirement on the PGA Tour and in most country clubs. But I think it's a bogus rule. Look, I know golf etiquette...it was taught to me by one of its most staunch enforcers, my dad. I get the whole "respect for the game" idea, but for me, whether someone wears shorts or pants on the golf course is irrelevant. Everybody knows that wearing slacks in hot and humid weather is miserable. It overheats your body, even if they're khakis! My point was driven home in a disgusting manner when I was briefly watching a Champions Tour event on the Golf Channel the other day. One of the players high up on the leaderboard was hitting a shot when I noticed a large stain of some sort on his slacks. Moments later, the camera person was nice enough to get a close-up shot on the player bending over to analyze the break in his upcoming putt. The stain that I had previously noticed from a distance was sweat. Let's just say it gave the viewer a good idea of what the guy's ass looked like. Plus, I'm sure it was extremely embarassing for him. So all I'm saying is perhaps the tour should allow the players to wear shorts...not grungy ones, but you know, the nice dress shorts. It still looks fine. Give these guys a break, it's damn hot out there!
I'll try to think of some more of these little mini-topics because Lord knows I probably have thought about it/have an opinion on it. Go Cubs! Beat the Brew Crew tonight!
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